Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Player of the Year Race Update 04/05/10

By Wagz

Hi all, it's been a long while since the last one but the blog is on a slow period so it seems like a perfect time for a player of the year race update!

35 points - Andy Devine
33 points - Andy Edwards
31 points - Mick Edwards
28 points - Rob Catton and John Ingham
23 points - Andy Bodle
22 points - Steve Tyson and Chris Vincent
21 points - Rob Wagner
19 points - Mark Hammond

Hotting up towards the top of the tables but Andy Edwards has gone away for at least a month, Andy Devine says he probably doesn't want to draft Rise, Mick leaves Uni for the summer and I'm in the middle of a period of not playing to protect my rating (1 more month of abstinence). With that kind of overhaul is there room for someone to sneak in the Leed (sic)? Rob Catton has been making good moves in recent months and Steve Tyson had a good month getting some Bloodbraid Elves.

The race finishes with Nationals, so still plenty of time to get in. Not quite sure what to do with the results - top 8 draft perhaps? We'll see nearer the time.


  1. Looks like Edward Andrews is still the name for success

  2. How does the points system work? I don't even know (:

  3. An 8-man draft is 3 to winner, 2 to 2nd and 1 to 3rd. Constructed events have points available to match.
