By Chris
Saturday I attended my first big Legacy tournament, at Meta Games,
Middlesborough. We traveled up in my little Corsa with Dan, James, Lawrence and
Alex. Much magic was discussed, sideboards were dissected, and rules questions
solved. A brief stop over in a café led to our deck lists being confirmed, and
we set off to find the shop. Arriving an hour and a half early we were
confident we were only 5 minutes away, and the sat-nav indicated it wasn’t far.
We didn’t account on the sat nav leading us into Fallout 3’s wasteland, but
luckily a quick phone call to Wizbit saved us from the deathclaw assault.
The shop
itself is a good venue, with several tables, lots of room, friendly staff and a
hi-tech TV method of showing the matchups, which avoids the crush around the
piece of paper nicely. Attempting to register we were unable to find my DCI
number, (For some reason I have no country, and I can’t seem to fix it) so a
new DCI number later I sat down for my first match.
Now, a
little bit of history of me as a player, I am a recent convert to legacy,
mainly due to watching some truly awesome games in Patriot Games Leeds and
discussions with James. I am at heart a mono-white man, and I was recommended
Death and Taxes by James, after proxying it up vs. Dan at the team Harrogate
meet I knew it was the deck for me.
The Decklist + Rationale
4x Aether Vial
1x Kor Haven
4x Karakas
11x Plains
Thalia: She is such a beast in many match ups she slows combo, she carries equipment like a boss, and she has a few
fun interactions with Karakas and damage.
Revoker: Can really
hurt any strategy, the uses for this guy are so vast I’ll not go too deep. He
stops Jace and the likes, can turn off equipment, and can even attack fairly
well and block Etched Champions.
of Corondor: If the
game goes long this is the main way to win, with it and karakas you have a
reusable permanent exile effect, and if you also have an Aether Vial on 3, you’re
in a real good spot.
of Runes: Negates
removal, blocks anything on the ground all day long, and is generally a real
menace for decks looking to get rid of her. If she gets to untap she’s lived
too long.
Much like Revoker,
this card has several interactions, from flipping a delver back over, acting as
a Karakas for Mangara, and many more uses. Also carries equipment really well.
Mystic: Quite
bonkers as a card, its ability to drop a Batterskull on turn 3 for 1W is just broken.
Also important in some matchups in fetching the utility equipment that can turn
the tide against some decks.
Avenger: A dumb
beater, but probably one of the best, a 3/3 vigilance flier, for WW, with a
drawback negated by a vial on 2. If you get a sword on this its probably
already over.
to Plowshares: W,
get rid of almost anything. Yes please.
Vial: The deck is
creature heavy, the vial helps you use your lands for other uses (Mana denial
through ports is common) and it helps you drop your creatures in relative
Jitte: Trademark
Dan Hiscutt: it’s a Plainswalker on a sword. So versatile, some nifty tricks
with first strike, and colourless removal. This sword is just silly.
Sword of
Fire and Ice: Protection
from red is very useful in the land of lightning bolts, pro blue means your
creatures can smash through delver, and you get to draw a card and shock a
creature (or player) . Unreal.
A ridiculous threat
with a Stoneforge Mystic active and a very good flicker wisp target, if you’re
looking to beat down, or stabilize with life gain, this is your card.
Port: Keeping a
player off a colour can be the difference between a win and a loss,
unfortunately this requires you to know the format, and being fairly new I tend
to miss opportunities for this card. Will get more and more useful the more I
play I’m sure.
Bounces legends, both offensive in the Mangara interaction, and defensive in the Show and Tell matchup.
Haven - It was meant
to be a fourth Rishadan Port, but mine were in the post. Seemed a good white
utility land, and could save me
Furthers the mana
denial strategy, as mentioned above, keeping a player off a colour can win you
the game.
So we have
come to the end of part one. You've met the deck and I've explained the cards.
The deck itself can be played as a control deck, looking to go long to ensure
the Mangara Lock, through mana denial, taxing and timely use of removal. Some
matchups you need to be the aggressor, dropping threats, and getting in the red
zone. It’s a deck with many interactions, and a bit of an all rounder. Its
favorable matchups are against other creature decks, and its weakness is a lack
of speed, especially against combo. As I learn to play the deck my main issue
is my lack of patience, sometimes my desire to win can lead to mistakes, return
for part 2 to see if it gets the better of me!
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