Monday, 10 August 2009

A Post Nats/GP update from Team Leeds

By Jim Marlow

Hey everyone,

As the millions of readers of the blog will no doubt be aware already, the recent lack of articles is due to Me, Wagz and Mick's trip to Brighton for the British Nationals and the Grand Prix that followed.

Im sure many of you will have heard already or will soon find out that everyone that went from Leeds had a certain degree of success, and i'm sure i speak for all when i say that even those who fell slightly short of expectations had an awesome time down in Brighton. My only regret is that more of Team Leeds couldnt make it down, and if anyone is yet to experiance the comradary and atmosphere that comes with large magic events then i would thoroughly recommend that you do your best to get to one in the near future, they never fail to dissapoint.

Obviously there is a lot to report on the blog so between Wagz, Mick and myself i hope we can cover the entirity of the events of the week.

I will be starting with my (failed) attempt at grinding into Nats, and will also report on a Shards block sealed event which i was lucky enough to top 8, Mick will obviously be retelling us his story of nats and im hoping Wagz will be so kind to report on the legacy tournament which he did well in, as well as giving a report on the Grand Prix.

So thats what to expect over the next week or two, in between the usual stream of rubbish that we strive to publish for your benefit, hopefully the three of us can do the events of the week proud and allow those of you who couldnt attend just what you missed.

Look out for the start of these articles tomorrow, and i will be seeing the rest of Team Leeds soon when i return to Leeds for a few days in August for some exams.

P.S - for those of you who care....

You're the best around,
Nothings gonna ever keep you down.

now we know.

See you all soon

Until then,


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